YWAM Kerygma
Relentless Pursual of God

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Youth Aflame Review


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For three months we promoted this weekend. We used it as a vehicle to introduce and demonstrate the vision of Kerygma Teams.
We have combined YWAM’s focus of a spirit-changed life with the sacraments of the Church.
One of the strengths of Kerygma Teams is ecumenism – All denominations working together as one – sharing their common ground – respecting their differences and building one another up in the most Holy Faith.
Kerygma Teams is as much about teaching Protestants how to understand the Catholic World, as much as helping Catholics grow closer to God.
We gathered these young people to show them they can know God and make him known. Our two-night retreat drew from four parishes, with an age range from 13 to 20 year olds.
The retreat was held at YWAM Tyler’s SST Village. (Summer of Service Training) where YWAM hosts SST camps every summer.